Anybody remember Planet Mado HOF Battle Royale?

The map was like 4 choordinates. I imagined them like 4 “Cell Games” platforms, connected together by little sidewalks.

It had abridged versions of: races, moveset, items, etc. Players spawned in, and duked it out to be the last man standing. It also had a system of gaining powerlevel, training, etc. But at any time, players at the same location at you could be attacked at any time. There was a weird way to learn special moves. You could buy an item at any time. You’d gain money by bounties, or finding the money somehow amongst the brawl.

It didn’t use the traditional “fight by chat” mechanic we use in the main planet mado game. If you wanted to kick the saiyan across from you, that’d be basically your email.

…I had as much fun playing that, as the larger planet mado game. THAT WAS FUN!!

Reno, where are you these days?