A Blood Moon will occur on March 13th through March 14th. This is a different type of full moon comapred to the monthly moon cycle we receive.
As this is not a normal occurrence within the moon cycle, have this effect Sayians and Devils in a similar matter.
Have a 2 day change for both races. Due to its Red nature, Have Devils gain an additional 5%-10% PL gain. Due to its red nature, have Sayians gain 15x PL instead of the standard 10x.
I like this idea. Honestly what I would like to do is get away form using real life moon phases and have it overall work differently since it can get a bit finicky tying in real life events with in-game time. And then we could get into a lot more custom stuff I think.
You could have it to where the βMoonβ effect is a move that the players get as they learn about their abilities. Then they can use that move βxβ amount of times per βyβ amount of days to ensure balance and scarcity.