Originally published at: In-Game Chat and Map Feature - Planet Mado DBZ RPG
I’m slowly rolling out the new map and chat feature. I’m talking with Dalun to start getting you all placed in the correct spots. Unless Dalun has added the other player to your ‘People You’ve Been To’ list, their name won’t be displayed, it will just say the race that they look like. Keep in mind that androids appear human.
In the screen shot, the outer tiles are ocean and an island. The inner tiles are other players that are at the same location.
Something else I’m going to work on soon is letting you all ‘inspect’ each other if you’re at the same place on the map. I at least want you to be able to read the descriptions you made for your characters, and I’m also thinking it would show the items you have equipped. Any thoughts/feedback on this stuff, fire away in Discord or the forum.