Minor Adjustments to Items

Little backstory prior…

The greatest thing about PlanetMado is that the players don’t know everything, and are purposely in the dark. But we can influence based off our roleplay. Ref’s decide from there…if deemed appropriate.

Most of my thoughts here are driven in part by me having ideas like this in the past, and Reno responding with ‘how do you know it isn’t in the game?’. And responses like ‘try it’. Took me years to embrace this, and I understand now. I also selfishly am trying to keep things ‘programmable’ for PMCS.

Some minor tweaks to the Items page I’d recommend…

Sunglasses: Remove from Items list.
They are stylish, sleek, awesome… They give an added effect to protection from Solar Flare, but this is privileged information hidden from players. I’d recommend removing these from the Items list. Not that they can’t be bought & acquired from shops. They just carry mostly roleplay value, until they don’t.

Food: Remove from Items list.
Tasty… However, food does wildly different things depending on the role play, situation, & isn’t consistent. I’d suggest either removing this from the moves list, or updating its description/effect to be considerably more vague.

Sensu Bean: remove note about using in spar/fight
It still does everything as described. No real major change or overhaul. I’m only suggesting leaving this on the items page since they are such a well known item within Dragon Ball lore; if only to prevent future ideas from cropping up under the assumption they are not within the game. This just cleans up the items info.

Capsule Corp. Saiyan Spacepod & Saiyan Spacepod: restore note of ‘1 time use’.
I dunno how or when this fell off. If I recall, these were 1 use only. Unless this has changed, then I suggest updating the description/effect.

Dragon Armor Effects: Remove details on special moves.
I’m not confident in this recommendation, but I’ve always felt it was weird that the details of the special moves granted by wearing dragon armor are public information. I always felt like this should of been private privileged info to just the wearer. While I do think Dragon armor shouldn’t even be in the generic items list, it has been for as long as I can remember. Would be pointless to remove them since their existence is common knowledge.

Sunglasses - 75% agree. I have always thought the item seemed a bit out of place on the items page. It does seem like one of those things we would make players “figure out by playing the game.”

Food - I disagree here, and food is supposed to be consistent with how it works, it’s specified on the items page that it heals 10%, only the price varies. Of course refs can pretty much do whatever they want, so yeah food can technically vary, but it isn’t meant to be that way by default.

Sensu Bean - I agree here. And I’ve noticed in a lot of places, mostly the items and rule book pages, that some things are explained that don’t need to be and/or the wording is awkward and out of place.

Spacepods - one time use does sound vaguely familiar, but I’m not seeing it in any of my backups. I’m not totally against it, but other than a credit sink I don’t know if it’s necessarily an issue allowing it to be reused. Space travel itself is already a huge time sink, and I’m not sure limiting it early game would be needed. But I’m open to more discussion on it especially if there’s something I’m missing.

Dragon Armor - I can understand that, and I’m not against hiding some aspects.

I’m curious if anyone else has any input on hiding these items/not giving all of the details on the items page.