Mado’s Notes: I found some old Planet Mado Hall of Fame web pages that Reno wrote (he ran the Hall of Fame back in the day) in my backup and thought it would be fun to post some of what I found. Some of the information is out of date compared to the current version of Planet Mado, but I thought it was a good read anyway for some of the insights on how things work in the game.
There are a lot of moves that can be learned in Planet Mado, and this is just a short list of what I or others have learned. I put the exact description you would see on your stats page, followed by some tips about them. Each move requires a certain amount of powerlevel to use it, and you will have to figure that out yourself. I make no mention of the required powerlevels needed, but that does play a very big part.
Physical moves
Shin Kick–1% damage, Punch–2% damage, Elbow–4% damage, Knee–4% damage, Kick–5% damage, Shoulder Ram–6% damage, Uppercut–6% damage, Tail Whip–10% damage
Ki Channeling
You can channel your ki once during any battle, and go back to full power level. It only lasts for five turns, and after that five turns is up, you go to half of what your powerlevel was right before you channelled your ki.
The move is one of the best, and every player starts with it! Even if your current powerlevel is very low and you get into a fight, a quick Ki Channel can put you right back in the game. You can still lose powerlevel during the 5 turns like normal, so don’t think you’ll remain at full pl for the full 5 turns. After the 5 turns is up, you’re pretty much done for, depending on how much pl you had when you used it. This move is usually best used when you are about to die, but timing is everything. A wrong timed Ki Channel can decide the match.
White Belt–When using this form all physical attacks done by the user are increased by 3%
Brown Belt–When using this form all physical attacks done by the user are increased by 7%.
This is a fighting style. You can activate it in a fight without using a turn, and the effects continue to work for the entire battle. This can not be used with weapons. It is made to be used with the simple physical moves
Blue Belt–When using this form you always have a chance to dodge and block any incoming attack (unless it is an unblockable or undodgeable attack). This form gives you a 10% bonus to dodging and guarantees you will block any incoming attack (although you still either block 25% or 50% of the damage). The downside to this form is that all damage done by the user is cut down by 20%.
Another fighting style
Hide Powerlevel
To hide powerlevel, just say, “I want to hide my power level down to five(or however much you want).”.
This can be used for a lot of reasons. If you don’t want to be found by someone, just hide your powerlevel very low so that it will be hard for someone to detect you. Most moves require you to have a certain amount of powerlevel to use a move, so when hiding your pl you might not be able to use them, depending on your pl and the move. When you hide your pl, it basically lowers your current (Not your base) powerlevel, but you can get it back if/when you power up. An example is that your powerlevel is at 1000 out of 2000 and you hide your pl down to 100 and now have 900 pl stored away. You can not go over your base pl, so if you ate a sensu bean and went back to 2000 out of 2000 pl, that 900 hidden pl would just go away. When someone detects your pl they see your current (Or hidden) pl, so this is a great move to fool someone into thinking you are weak.
Detect Powerlevel
You automatically detect if someone is coming near you, but you can’t tell exactly what their powerlevel. You will only be able to tell if someone’s powerlevel is big, small, or about your size. For example, if there is someone vastly stronger than you coming towards you, your ref will something along the lines of, “You feel a huge powerlevel moving your way.” And if the powerlevel was small, your ref would say something along the lines of, “You feel a very small, almost indetectabe powerlevel moving towards you.”. If someone’s powerlevel is 199 or less, you can’t feel their powerlevel.
This move works like a scouter, except it doesn’t give you the exact powerlevel reading.
This method of flying is used by raising your ki, making you float. You can fly over oceans, lakes, seas, etc. To fly, you just say you want to fly, like this, “I want to fly to (where ever).”
This one’s pretty self explanatory. You are no longer bound by the rules of gravity. This move is generally used outside of battle to get from one location to another. You can fly to any place or person, but only if you have been to that place or person before. It takes 2 turns to arrive at that place/person, regardless of where you were at on the planet. If you are flying to a person they may be able to sence your power heading right for them, and take evasive actions. This move adds 5% to the users physical attacks and weapons. Fly can make a great escape move, if the other person can’t fly that is.
Some people try to use fly in conjunction with long range moves, or even physical moves, to make a strategy of “I can hit you but you can’t hit me.” by staying their distance and shooting energy attacks at the enemy, or flying in and punching the enemy, then flying back away to safety. My philosophy has always been that if they are so high in the air that the other person can’t jump up and hit them, then the energy attacks would be easily dodged because of the time it takes. Or when one person flys in and punches, the other person would get a chance to attack back before the other person could fly away.
Power Keisoku
Only androids know this move, and they start out with it. This move lets Andriods detect the exact power level of anyone.
This is the androids version of detect powerlevel. It’s like they have a built-in scouter.
Only Androids know this move, and they start out with it. The ability to fly without using ki. Flying while doing any physical attack adds 5% more damage to the attack.
This is the androids version of fly.
Instant Transmission
Just lock on to another character or masters ki and you can instantanously transport there in one turn. You can also bring someone or something along with you, just but touching them. If you have never been to the person or master you want to Instant Transmission to, you can’t go to them.
Great move to get back to people/places you have been to before.
After defeating your opponent, you can absorb 60% of their powerlevel.
This is another android only move. In addition to the 10% of the losers powerlevel you gain after the fight, you can use absorb and gain 60% more. You must be the person that delt the deathblow and it’s up to the ref if you deserve it or not.
x10 your PL; Whenever there is a full moon and you stare at it, or if you know Moon Ball, you can throw the Moon Ball in the sky and go Oozaru.
This move is an uncontrollable transformation that all saiyans and half saiyans start with. You may have some control when in this form, but you are generally in the refs hands. Oozarus tend to kill and destory everything in their path. When in oozaru form they usually forget everything, including who their friends are, and just go on a killing rampage. When the full moon, or moon ball, goes away they revert back to their normal self again with very little memory of what happened in oozaru form. You can only go oozaru if you have a tail. If you go oozaru and then get your tail cut off, you will change back.
You can meditate three times a day for a 5% gain each time. The advantage of this is that you don’t lose any power level for meditating.
All Namekians start with this move and they can not teach it, so it’s unique to them. The 5% gains with no loss will always be helpful, even when you do get weighted clothing.
Laser Eyes
9% damage each turn charged; Just look directly at a person and where you’d like to hit them and yell “Laser Eyes” and a ki beam will shoot out of your eyes. This move takes 1% of your powerlevel each turn you use it.
This is a very weak energy attack, if not the weakest. The small 1% loss is nice though. It will do more damage than most physical attacks, and it can be charged, so it has some use early on or if you are short on powerlevel.
Kame Hame Ha
25% damage each turn charged; Bring both hands forward as if firing a blast and say Kame, then bring both hands to your side, cupped, and say Hame, then bring both hands forward yelling Ha while firing the blast. This move takes 3% of your powerlevel each turn charged.
This is a good energy attack. Nice damage with low cost.
30% damage each turn charged; The user shoots a little blast from his/her finger and makes a big impact on comtact with anything, this is more powerful than kamehameha. This move takes 5% of your powerlevel each turn you charge it.
5% more damage than Kamehameha, with 2% more cost. Pretty good.
Spirit Bomb
3% damage each turn it is charged (the 3% damage is 3% of the planet you’re on’s power level); To do the Spirit Bomb, you have to ask the planet for help in defeating your enemy. This move can only be used in desparate times. Each turn you charge this move, it gains 3% more damage. The 3% damage is from the planet’s powerlevel the user is on, not the user’s powerlevel. You cannot use Spirit bomb to blow up a planet. Once you reach a power level of 1,000,000, you can take power from the other planets as well, that is 3% from every planet including the one you’re on.
This move is situational. Your ref decides if you are using the spirit bomb for the right reasons, and it must be during desperate times such as the planet being destroyed or something. Each time you charge this move it gains the following amount of power:
60,000 on Earth, 90,000 on Namek, 120,000 on Vegeta, 150,000 on Freeza, and 180,000 on Mado. 600,000 Total.
This raises your powerlevel. It multiples the powerlevel you have at that moment, not your base powerlevel shown on your stats page. To do this move, yell, “Kaiouken times (whichever one)!”. You can only do Kaiouken for ten turns, otherwise the strain put on your body will kill you. The first multiplier is times one, which gives you a multiplier of 1.5. After that it’s times two, three, etc.
This is a great move that can only be used for ten turns per fight. It is usually best to start the fight using kaioken so that you start the 10 turns at maximum strength, instead of waiting until your powerlevel is so low that the multiplier does not matter. Each level of kaioen requires a higher powerlevel to use. There are also some confusing details about using Ki Channel with this move, and to be honest I forget what that is.