Reno's Races Breakdown - PMHoF

Mado’s Notes: I found some old Planet Mado Hall of Fame web pages that Reno wrote (he ran the Hall of Fame back in the day) in my backup and thought it would be fun to post some of what I found. Some of the information is out of date compared to the current version of Planet Mado, but I thought it was a good read anyway for some of the insights on how things work in the game.

Each race in Planet Mado is unique. Ultimately, it all comes down to a personal choice.
All of these reviews are based on the current rules.
Here is a short guide on what I think about them:

This race is very good in the beginning because it’s the only one that can fly and detect powerlevels right away. They are very basic moves that the other races will learn quickly, but it is nice to have them when you start. They allow you to travel easily and pick your battles very carefully.
The big advantage to being an android is their unique ability; absorb. This move is great even in the late game, and no other race can learn it. When they defeat an opponent they absorb an additional 60% of the losers powerlevel, so androids are always looking for battles to get their powerlevel up.

Right away this race starts with 3 saibaman seeds, which would normally cost 4,000 credits each! You could plant some immediately, but the saibaman have 25% of your base powerlevel(Their pl is calculated at the time you plant them and they do not grow in strength), so if you were to fight/spar and get your powerlevel to a decent amount before planting them, they could be very helpful. You could also sell the seeds for a good amount to buy other things that interest you. You’ll want to avoid players in the beginning, because they all know you have the seeds and they may try to kill you for them.
The great thing about being a devil is that they start off with a unique transformation they can control! It can only be used on a certain 2 days of the month however, so most players will know when to avoid them. The transformation will allow you to defeat opponents with high powerlevels (And possibly good items), giving you 10% of the losers powerlevel when you do so, plus an additional gain from any weighted clothing the devil may have found/bought. If you plant a saibaman seed when the devil’s star is out, your saibaman will be grown with 25% of your multiplied powerlevel.
On every devil’s star this race gets 1 free saibaman seed. This makes the devils a very deadly race.
The devils are the only race that can not learn the move spirit bomb, but they are also the only race that can learn the move dead zone. Both very good moves, so it’s a fair trade.

This race starts off with a higher powerlevel than the other races and a unique move; tail whip. It’s not a very good move, and will eventually never be used again, but it sure beats kicking in the beginning. If the duugos decides to play an evil character, they can kill the other races with ease at the start to collect their items. Training will also gain you a good amount because your powerlevel is already at a good amount.
The duugos can not learn the move detect powerlevel, so buying a scouter will definitely help.
The ability that makes the duugos good is that they automatically learn unique transformations when their powerlevels reach a certain amount. They are not the best transformations initially, but they do give you something to work with late game.

Half Saiyan Half Human
This race starts off with a higher powerlevel than most. They gain an additional 2% for spars/training and an additional 10% for fights. This can be very helpful, but when compared to the full-blooded saiyans, these gains are inferior.
Oozaru is an uncontrollable transformation this race starts off with. As far as transformations go, it’s not the best, but it could be a good last ditch move, that is if you learned the move moon ball, otherwise you’ll have to wait for your ref to tell you there’s a full moon.
The big advantage these guys get is their early transformations; super saiyan. This makes the half saiyan/half humans very good late game.

The human race starts off a little better than the half saiyan version because they start with items. Most will pick a shotgun or a sword for their starting weapon of choice. The shotgun will help you more right away because it does a fixed amount of damage, but will quickly become useless. The sword won’t be so great in the beginning because it does a percentage of your powerlevel for damage, like most everything else. Once you get a decent powerlevel going the sword will be your best choice, plus it could be sold for more credits. The humans also start off with medium saiyan armor, which can be very helpful at taking some of the damage you will receive, or you can just sell it. Together the sword and armor have a value of 6,800 credits, which could get you some good items if you decided to sell them.
The humans big advantage is their ability to fuse weapons together, doubling the damage. This turns the swords 15% damage into 30%, plus any additional damage from fighting styles or fly, with no penalty. This alone makes humans a great race late game. Another great thing about the weapon fusing is that they can only be used by humans. For some unknown reason if another race gets ahold of a fused weapon it reverts back to two individual weapons. In the case of a sword, it would go back to a 15% damage weapon for everyone else.
Humans are also the only race that can learn the move time freeze. This is a very powerful move and when used with the fused weapons plus other moves, it becomes nearly unstoppable.

The nameks start off with only one real advantage; meditate. They gain 5% of their powerlevel each time they use it, with no pl loss. In fact, they gain (current) powerlevel from meditating. This means they can usually train/meditate without ever having to rest. This is pretty good in the beginning because they don’t have to spar with someone and they don’t lose pl, meaning they don’t waste a lot of time sitting around. Even in the late game, with weighted clothing and high gravity, the 5% gain to current and base is still good.
There are also a few unique moves that only they can learn. Regenerate for example.
Nameks can be deadly because of their constant gains with no down time.

This is definitely a strong warrior race. They start off much like their half human version, except the full blooded saiyans gain an additional 5% after spars and 15% after fights. In the beginning this is good because they gain/lose 6% from self-training. If a saiyan dies they still get the 5% bonus while in the next dimension, which helps a lot.
Just like their half human versions, oozaru is an uncontrollable transformation this race starts off with. As far as transformations go, it’s not the best, but it could be a good last ditch move, that is if you learned the move moon ball, otherwise you’ll have to wait for your ref to tell you there’s a full moon.
If a saiyan dies, or comes very close to dying, they have a 25% chance of gaining 50% of their powerlevel.
All of this makes the saiyan race very good.
If the legends are true about the super saiyans, then this race would be great late game.

I did not mention the maximum learnable moves for each race here. This does give the devils and namekians a bit of an advantage, and the androids and duugos a bit of a disadvantage. Overall I don’t think it’s going to have a big impact on the races.

Dragon Ball lore is expanding… least it has within the last 5’ish years. I believe the last race added was the HalfHuman/HalfSaiyan. One day I saw the Unlimited Ki android showup.

Have you kicked around the idea of more playable races?

I haven’t actually, but I wouldn’t be against it if we could come up with some cool mechanics for them.

I don’t know many of the new races but I’m down to help flesh stuff out.

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Question is–who is the first person who is going to have to take on a god?

lol that’s a good question…

If you guys have ideas for new races feel free to post them up. I’m not really opposed to much, but if we’re going to add new races I’d prefer to start with whichever ones you guys would like to play, and not just add them for the sake of having them.