Retro Thoughts

I found this old jewel this morning.

These are just thoughts that I’ve been thinking about for a while, and decided to share them with you all.

Why do some dbz sites hosted by places like Geocities offer free hosting?

Why do some dbz sites offer free hosting with a domain name, but you have to purchase the domain name?

Why are there so many dbz fan sites out there that all offer the same thing?

Why don’t webmasters come up with something original on their sites, instead of copying Planet Namek’s information?

Why do sites with crap layouts and nothing original, expect to get people to visit, aside from themselves and two friends?

Why is Homestead now charging for services, when all Homestead sites look like crap anyway?

Does anyone like animal rights’ activists?

Why do people consider Blink182 a punk band?

If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, then why do we have copyright and patent laws?

These questions are around 23-25 years old.

Yeah… there were quite a few pages with my personal thoughts that I decided to not include in the new website :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh the thoughts and rantings of a 13 year old. I knew everything, mmhmm.

:person_shrugging: Some of this holds up.

I understand now why they were called punks.

Don’t think anyone likes animal rights activists, but think they get told ‘umm ok’ to them 3-4 times a day.

…Side note: Paying good money for Mado’s old Xanga or LiveJournal account info. This will be gold.

Lol, glad that stuff isn’t online anymore :smiley: