Buff to Bleed

CaptnApplesauce has what Dalun and I thought were some good ideas for updates and additions to the bleed mechanic. If anyone has any thoughts feel free to post or discuss in Discord.

For reference, the current bleed mechanic for the custom ki techniques is this:
Bleed: +9% damage of opponent’s max powerlevel (3% for the next 3 turns, opponent has 10%, 30%, 60% chance to stop the bleeding each turn), +3% cost

CaptnApplesauce’s ideas:
Signature Bleed Technique:
Bleed 3% Damage of Opponent’s Max Powerlevel every turn for 4 turns
Mastered Bleed Technique:
Bleed 3% Damage of Opponent’s Max Powerlevel every turn for 5 turns
+3% cost to Signature Move

Spiked Pauldrons
Amplifies Shoulder Ram attack to have a 10% chance to apply Bleed for 2 turns
Serrated Knife
2% Damage and a 50% Chance to apply Bleed for 2 turns.

The Bleed effect cannot be stacked on itself. Once a Bleed is tended to, the next 2 Bleed effects are diminished to half effectiveness in the current combat.

Medical Bandage
Staunches the damage of an active Bleed effect.
With the application of a Medical Bandage, Bleed can be stopped in half the amount turns Rounded Up ( Example: 3 turns of bleed becomes 2 // 5 turns of bleed become 3 )
Players that have taken the Signature Healing Technique anyways benefit as though they have used a Medical Bandage.

I’m supportive of the Bleed adjustments. What mostly catches my eye here is the simplicity of the Bleed effect, vs. what we have now.

What we have now simulates the natural closing of the wound, being less effective each turn till the bleeding stops. While this sounded good, it does add a complication for both refs/programming to account for. This makes it easier to manage. I could probably argue that during combat, adrenaline has an adverse effect on bleeding… it would need bandages while within combat, rather than natural healing effects.

In short… Bandages for stopping Bleed Debuffs while in combat. Roleplay while out of combat to remove the effect (easy enough to tell your ref you tear some rags from your shirt, and work on a makeshift solution).

Medical Bandage Items:
I think it is fine to add to the ‘generic items list’ found posted publically on the PM website, similar to Sunglasses. Mostly since the Bleed mechanic is publically posted. I could role play at pretty much any item shop, and likely find bandages. So I think it’s warranted enough to add the item there.

The effect of Medical Bandage…
I’d recommend simplifying the effect of Bandage. While in combat, taking the time to apply a bandage should cost the full turn, similar to Punch, Kick, Knee, etc. After applying, it will remove the debuff right away. Mostly because turns are valuable; want this to be attractive. Though I do like the idea that Bleed can’t be reapplied right away… say for 2ish turns, like Applesauce recommended.

Regarding the “Players that have taken the Signature Healing Technique anyways benefit as though they have used a Medical Bandage.” bit. Simply; no. Signature Healing Techniques are for outside of combat. However, I imagine Namekian biology, especially if they know some form of regeneration techniques, will affect the duration/effectiveness of bleed effects. This screams racial bonus, or racial+technique bonus.

Items: Spiked Pauldrons & Serrated Knife.

I’m supportive of these items, however, I’ve always imagined the planet mado “items list” as being the general ‘generic items’ for sale at most shops. There are a many other items in the game, not found within the Items list. Mostly created/acquired through roleplay, and perhaps discussions with the Refs about specific things you are trying to buy. Leave it up to the ref to decide the thingy’s availability, chance, how to acquire, what it does, etc…

If I recall, the Spiked Pauldrons bit came out of an idea to ‘modify items in your possession’. I’m also generally supportive of this, but I put this squarely within the “try it” category of role play.

The greatest thing about PlanetMado is that the players don’t know everything, and are purposely in the dark. But we can influence based off our roleplay. Ref’s decide from there how legit stuff like ‘Spiked Pauldrons & Serrated Knife’ can be if deemed appropriate.

Most of my thoughts here are driven in part by me having ideas like this in the past, and Reno responding with ‘how do you know it isn’t in the game?’. And responses like ‘try it’. Took me years to embrace this, and I understand now. I also selfishly am trying to keep things ‘programmable’ for PMCS.

btw… I just noticed that the Bleed effect of the signature ki move, and serrated knife are different. Just so I don’t have to create multiple different odd ball Bleed effects varring in dmg, duration, etc… Keep it restricted to Light Bleed, Moderate Bleed, and Heavy Bleed. That way I only gotta build 3 versions.

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I’ll try to hit each spot as I go down the list.

I didn’t implement a full turn Bleed stop through bandaging since there was a discussion about how bad it feels on games to ‘lose a turn’ due to any function. I attempted to mirror how stun works in a sense of reduced effectiveness of said Bleed effect.

I’m definitely fine leaving out the Signature Healing Technique bonus. It was notioned by a player and I tossed it in to see what people thought.

The Spiked Pauldrons and Serrated Knife were added to give players who chose not to add Bleed to their Signature Move an opportunity to take advantage of the new effect, at a diminished chance and effectiveness. And so that the Medical Bandages had more uses than just one special ability to a move.

The Light, Medium, and Heavy Bleeds work fine in the structure that’s already set. We could state them as:
Heavy Bleed - 5 turns of the Bleed effect
Moderate Bleed - 4 turns of the Bleed effect
Light Bleed - 2 turns of the Bleed Effect

I do agree with the ‘try it and see if it works approach’ but in revamping a new system, some examples needed to exist in order to create appropriate balancing of the effect itself.

My largest concerns when I was creating it were Balance and Abuse. Us number crunchers will find the most efficient strategy even if it ends up being boring. So I wanted to add ‘flavor’ options to give players choices instead of bottlenecking them.

I think I touched on them all. Let me know what you think.

The reason some damage would always occur was due to the high cost of the addition of Bleed. Otherwise, it would always be more useful to just pump Signature Moves with more %Damage and charge it for a turn.


I didn’t implement a full turn Bleed stop through bandaging since there was a discussion about how bad it feels on games to ‘lose a turn’ due to any function. I attempted to mirror how stun works in a sense of reduced effectiveness of said Bleed effect.

I think I can agree with this, as long as combat works similarly with something like a Sensu Bean. If bandaging doesn’t cost the full turn, neither should Sensu Bean similar item effects.

Minor thought, when does the Bleed effect do it’s damage? I was thinking at the start of the players turn. Example: Blah blah does thing, you failed dodge, your turn. At the start of the turn, you suffered ##PL caused from your Light Bleed debuff. What do you do?


I still think Spiked Pauldrons and Serrated Knife should be ‘discoverable items’, and not ‘public information items/generic’. But Applesauce gives excellent points about why they should be public information items/generic. I don’t want to fall on my sword here, because I dig the concept: if they were public information, it would have a meta effect to make players seriously consider buying bandages.

@CaptnApplesauce any thoughts on how Human racial mechanics would interact with Spiked Pauldrons & Serrated Blade?

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You are correct, the start of the Bleeding characters turn is when the effect triggers.

I’m ok with either in this setting when we’re talking about discoverable items vs public information. I think both create viability and intrigue.
Discoverable Items - Quest rewards, Tinkering with gear, Enemy drop, found in chest, etc. All good options to find something new and cool you don’t understand. (Kind of like using Identify in DnD to learn about an item or using it directly and finding out their action)
Public Information - (and this is why I initially thought having it public was good) To make players choose what they valued. I’ll explain a little. You’ve got 1000 Zeni… do you buy that Heavy Saiyan Armor you’ve been eyeballing with all you have, or do you take the conservative route and get Medium Armor so you can get a few Bandages just in case? That’s how my brain was looking at it.

As for Humans Racial Bonus, yea… they’d get to use a Sword and Dagger or two Daggers or whatever else they find. Shoulder Spikes wouldn’t make sense to be used twice, but I would say you could combo Shoulder Spike with Dagger or Sword or Broken Bottle.


Love it.

Quick note on “Public Information Items/generic” and “Discoverable Items”.

They are basically the same thing, just “discoverable items” are not read about openly on the pm items page. That was my attempting to apply a term to an item that can be found in the game that you can’t read about publicly.

For the most part in PM, most ‘discoverable items’ are just role play items. But on occasion, you find it has a more mechanical use. Most times, once it’s added to your character page, the full detail on what it can do is typed out. Once you have the item, normally it does what it says it does in most cases. No real need to do a ‘discovery’ DND style to identify the thing.

At least, this has been my experience.

Allow me a moment to troll…

Some races should be immune to bleed effects. ::runs away before getting linched::

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Counter troll attack trap card: Immediately stabs you causing a permanent Bleed effect before you can buy Bandages…

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Two can play at that game…

I set 1 monster face down. Further, I place 2 cards face down in my magic/trap zones.

Your move, Yugi.

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Heavy Bleed - 5 turns of the Bleed effect
Moderate Bleed - 4 turns of the Bleed effect
Light Bleed - 2 turns of the Bleed Effect

Bleed does 3% of the targets base powerlevel in damage.

Medical Bandage - After it’s applied it stops the bleed? So if you got hit with a bleed, on your turn you would take bleed damage, then use your turn to apply the bandage which would stop the bleed?

@SeiferBlades @CaptnApplesauce Is this info correct for a final version?

The only input I have is that the Signature Heal ability can be used in combat. I wasn’t sure how you guys were meaning for it to be used - is the heal used and it stops the bleeding and also heals, or is it a passive where the bleed stops faster? Or both?

I concur with this for a final version.

Medical Bandage, IMO, should immediately remove the bleed effect. Choosing to apply bandage in liu of attacking. Should cost the attack turn to apply.

Regarding Signature Healing Techniques and in-combat… I dunno where I picked that up. After re-re-reading the rules on those, I realized they can be used in combat. You just can’t heal yourself, which might have done some funky things on my memory.

I still say 'no’ towards the idea of auto-patching your bleeds due to knowing a signature healing technique. However, If you use your heal on a target where your trying to heal some of his PL, and he just so happens to be bleeding… that’s fine to remove the debuff.

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It was 3% ‘Max’ Powerlevel per turn. Without it being Max PL, i don’t think it’s worth a 3% cost. Especially now that it can be stopped.

If it were 2% cost, maybe 3% of Current would be ok… but I think 3% of Max is better.

If we want Bleed to take an action in a turn to stop with a Medical Bandage, I’m cool with that stopping the Bleed altogether.

I’d also agree that if someone uses their healing technique to heal you and you’re Bleeding, the Bleeding stops. Makes sense and probably won’t happen a lot.

I would still say no Bleeds can be applied for 2 turns after a Bandage or Heal to prevent abuse.

Yeah that’s what I meant, base PL = max PL. I know you’re referring to the discord conversation we had about max and base PL, but at the moment we can consider them the same thing.

Otherwise I agree with everything. I should have time tonight to update the rules on this and have it officially be official.

Very nice, but yea, I think it looks good and feels like it should be balanced.

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Just to close any gap, I concur with Applesauce. Looks good!

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Sounds good fellas, thanks for the ideas and input :slight_smile:

What is the timeline for the updated bleed effect to be implemented?

I need to add this to PMCS, but forcing myself to hold off until I see it officially posted here: Basic Techniques - Planet Mado DBZ RPG

Four days ago, of course.

@SeiferBlades @CaptnApplesauce I’ve got it added. Pretty sure I didn’t forget anything but let me know if I did or if we need to clarify anything more:

Were you guys thinking there would be three different levels of the custom bleed effect? As in players would have to spend 3 different special ability upgrades to max it out? That seems like a lot to me. Even if we only have two levels of bleed to upgrade, that still seems like a lot of investment for a small gain.

The 3 levels of Bleed came from different sources.
The ‘Light’ Bleed dealt with effects from items.
The ‘Moderate’ Bleed was the initial specialization on the Signature Ki Attack.
They ‘Heavy’ Bleed was a Mastery of the Signature Bleed Effect.
(The 'Light Bleed mainly served as an open door for Refs/Mods to create items they thought might flavor up the game, or players who got crafty and the Ref/Mod said “Try it and see what happens.”)

Gotcha, that’s what I was thinking you guys meant. I still feel like spending two special effect points into bleed is a lot for a pretty small gain. Considering the other options available, one more turn/3% more damage for the bleed isn’t a huge difference. Thoughts?